

Life Coaching | Lifestyle Coaching

How To Choose A Life and Lifestyle Coach

Most coaches nowadays offer a free consultation, allowing you to speak to your life coach before paying for sessions. Your consultation is an excellent opportunity to learn about your coach, ask them questions, and see if they fit you. Consultations usually run between 15 minutes to an hour.


Each coach does their initial consultation slightly differently, but usually, the coach wants to get to know you, understand what you need, and find out what you’re trying to achieve. Use the consultation to ask any questions you need to know to make a good decision.

If you need more clarification about the first coach you try, speak to more coaches to find the best match for you.

What Is A Life And Lifestyle Coaching?

Many things have changed since the coronavirus lockdown, more and more people find themselves in a daily routine that challenges them and doesn’t offer room for improvement or development of their actual personality or allow them to pursue other reasonable interests they can try.

  1. A life and lifestyle coach is not a therapist or other health professional.
  2. Life and lifestyle coach put her effort mainly how to help you regain your life and goals.
  3. A life coach does not help when it comes to serious psychological issues or mental illnesses, and he/she will not prescribe any medication.
  4. A life and lifestyle coach can help you look to the future and achieve your goals.
  5. A Life and Lifestyle coach will do the utmost to improve the quality of life of their client by developing solutions that enable a successful work-life balance for their clients. It is entirely irrelevant where precisely the shoe pinches.
  6. A personal relationship held out of fear of loneliness or financial benefit can be just as much a reason for life coaching as the desire to escape a job that no longer fulfils you.

How A Life and Lifestyle Coach Help Me?

  1. Life and Lifestyle Coaching focuses on identifying what you wish to achieve in the present and future.
  2. #ChangeYourLifeCoaching helps you identify manageable goals and set tasks you can undertake to achieve your goals.
  3. Coaches use a combination of enquiry to help you understand problem areas and identify ways to overcome them. For example, people can find the visual and active elements of coaching helpful.
  4. Coaching can be very effective if you are highly motivated and the problems you face are practical, business or career concerns.
  5. Life and Lifestyle Coaching offers the clarity and direction you need to create the life you want to live.
  6. At Changeyourlifecoaching, we’ll help and train you so you’ll learn how to manage and use your thoughts and actions, which will give you the power to choose and control what’s best for you every day.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

How Coaching Sessions Are Conducted?

  1. What to Expect From Your Coach. The initial questionnaire for you to fill out before your first session, and these are example of the questions.
  2. What things do you want to change in your life?
  3. What have so far been your greatest successes in your life?
  4. What have been your greatest failures in your life so far?
  5. What motivates you?
  6. What is your greatest fear?


While these questions are posed to you, remember that no one has all the answers, and if you are having difficulties with it, your coach can help find them out.

What Does A Life and Lifestyle Coach Do?

It’s important to remember that a life or Lifestyle coach is not there to tell you what to do with your life or push their ideas on you, instead, to facilitate your goals. Though, as you go along, the life and lifestyle coach will become someone that will offer advice, support, and guidance.


Usually, a life and life coach would ask their clients key and meaningful questions to support them in identifying areas that they want to uncover in their life. This will help the coach discover habits or beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your vision for your life. Once he/she understands you, together, an action plan with attainable steps is developed to help you move closer to your vision. Depending on your agreement, you’ll regularly check in with your life and lifestyle coach so that it will act as an accountability partner.

What Do These Life and Lifestyle Coaching Say About You?

  1. Body consciousness
  2. Improve your relationships.
  3. Be a positive force in your life.
  4. Manage anxiety and worries.
  5. Build your confidence and self-esteem.
  6. Get Clarity about life.
  7. Bring calm and happiness into your life.
  8. Help you setup your goal.
  9. Help you get rid-off self-critics.
  10. Achieve purpose/fulfilment in life.
  11. Help you get motivated.
  12. Self-discovery.
  13. Learn the secret to abundance.
  14. Develop money mindset.
  15. Health & Wellness Coaching
  16. Confidence/Self-Esteem
  17. Get Unstuck
  18. Goal setting
  19. Gremlin/Inner Critic
  20. Inspirational
  21. Life Balance
  22. Life Purpose
  23. Motivation
  24. New Perspectives
  25. Relationships
  26. Self-Care
  27. Strengths & Weaknesses
  28. Stress Management
  29. Taking Action

Who Is Life & Lifestyle Coaching Designed For?

Changeyourlifecoaching Life & Lifestyle Coaching is for men, women and leaders and everyone in this world is driven by the desire inside them to impact their lives in a greater and more meaningful way.

Do I Need A Life & Lifestyle Coaching?

If you’re ready to do better and reach for success, then life and coaching can show you how to take control and achieve your dreams. You can create a life that focuses on what you want. Life & Lifestyle Coaching will increase your self-belief and motivation. Then anything is possible.

If you are ready to receive indeed and harness this power, why not book a Session NOW at Changeyourlifecoaching?

Take the first step, fill in our user-friendly form, and book the coaching session you want. Book Now for a free consultation at
Lifestyle Coaching