1.1 All prices indicated by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd shall exclude VAT; VAT and/or any other similar taxes
payable shall be added to the prices at the applicable rate at the moment at which they become due.
1.2 Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, the prices shall include all costs incurred by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd with respect to performance of the service, within the precise scope defined in the proposal as accepted by the Client.
1.3 Similarly, where the Client requests an amendment during performance of the assignment, including a reduction in the volume and/or scope of the services or an amendment to the delivery schedule and/or the quantity of deliverables, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd shall be entitled to revise its initial fixed or per-unit price.
1.4 Where attendance at a training session, group workshop or meeting is deferred or cancelled, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd must be notified of such cancellation as soon as possible in advance of the event. Upon receipt of such notice, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd reserves the right to invoice for services at the following levels:
Cancellation charges for events / meetings are as follows:
All preparatory work done, and travel costs incurred at the time of cancellation will be charged in full. Deferment charges are as follows:
If the event / meeting is deferred by the client to a date more than 3 months after the original agreed date, then the cancellation charges above will apply If the event / meeting is deferred and re-arranged to a new date within 3 months of the
original date then the following charges will apply:
2.Payment terms
2.1 Fees shall be billed in accordance with a billing schedule as set out in the proposal.
2.2 Invoices shall be payable in full upon receipt, by bank transfer.
2.3 In the event that an invoice remains unpaid upon the contractual due date, the Client shall automatically be liable for late payment interest at a rate of 4% above the Bank of England base rate.
3.1 The Client hereby acknowledges that Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd is capable of successfully performing
the assignment entrusted to it and Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd undertakes to mobilise all the means and
resources required to do so. The Client agrees to consider the replacement of a consultant during the course of the assignment as not constituting an obstacle to proper performance of the services and fulfilment of the contract. The replacement of a consultant, irrespectiveof the initiator of such replacement, must be performed in accordance with antidiscrimination laws and regulations.
3.2 Consultants of Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd and its subsidiaries shall remain under the full authority and
legal responsibility of Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd. Under no circumstances may they be considered
employees of the Client.
3.3 Each of the Parties undertakes to refrain, except by prior written agreement, from offering employment to an employee of the other Party who has worked on its premises or from employing the same in any status whatsoever. This renunciation shall be valid for twelve (12) months after the employee finishes working on the premises of the other Party. Should either of the Parties breach this agreement, it undertakes to compensate the other Party by paying compensation equal to any salary and benefits that the employee would have received during the six (6) months prior to his/her departure.
3.4 The assignment performance deadlines shall be agreed in writing with the Client, at the point at which the operations commence.
3.5 Notwithstanding the above, where it becomes impossible to perform the assignment or where the assignment is delayed due to circumstances beyond its control, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd reserves the right to consult the Client in writing in order to ascertain how to proceed. In such cases, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd cannot be held liable for failure to adhere to the schedule. 3.6 Where the Client agrees to amend the performance deadlines and the content of the assignment, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd may be required to revise the terms and conditions of the order.
3.7 In general terms, any substantial modification to the assignment must be subject to a formal amendment, signed by both Parties, setting out the nature of the services, the new performance deadlines and the cost in particular.
3.8 All notifications issued from one Party to the other must be made in writing and delivered to the last known address. Notifications may be delivered in person, sent by express delivery service (in which case they shall be considered to have been sent immediately), by post (in which case they shall be considered to have been sent 48 hours after the date stamp on the envelope), or by email (in which case they shall be considered to have been sent at the point of receipt of the acknowledgement).
4.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any damages incurred by the other Party due to failure to honour its contractual obligations as a result of a case of force majeure. The term “force majeure” shall cover all exceptional events or circumstances outside the control of the Parties, where such an event renders it impossible for the Parties to honour their obligations as agreed upon signature of the contract. Such events and circumstances shall include natural disaster, epidemic, fire, accident, war, rioting, civil disorder, act of terrorism, sabotage, lockout, act of government or order issued by a court or public authority, general
strike, and specific strike within a company (including the Parties in particular) involved in performance of the contract.
4.2 The Parties hereby undertake to notify the other Party that such an event has occurred, as soon as possible after its occurrence, and to cooperate in full throughout the occurrence of such an event.
4.3 The Parties’ obligations with respect to the contract shall be suspended for as long as the event or circumstance in question shall exist. However, where one of the Parties is definitively and irrevocably unable to honour its contractual obligations as a result of such an event or circumstance, or where such an event or circumstance lasts for more than
sixty (60) days, the contract shall be terminated automatically and with immediate effect. In such cases, neither Party shall be liable to pay compensation to the other Party. The existence of this clause shall not alter the Client’s obligation to settle invoices issued for services already delivered by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd, up to the date upon which the contract is terminated.
5.1 Use of the results of the assignment, as provided by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd, shall be strictly limited
to the group to which the Client belongs and to its consultants, and in connection with the Client’s business only. The Client hereby undertakes to inform Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd prior to broader publication of any results (either in part or in whole) supplied by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd, in order to gain Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd’s authorisation to acknowledge it as the supplier of the work for publication. Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd’s name must not be cited in relation to the assignment without its prior written consent.
5.2 The Client shall treat the proposal and price submitted by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd as confidential
information. The Client shall not use the proposal or quote for any purpose other than to consider the offer made by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd. Where Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd expressly requests the return of the proposal and the quote, the Client shall undertake to return the same immediately. The Client shall be expressly forbidden from making any copies of the proposal or the quote without the written consent of Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd. Similarly, all proposals produced by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd, where such proposals are not accepted by the Client or where Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd has not received payment in relation thereto, shall remain the property of Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd. The Client hereby undertakes not to disclose such proposals to third parties, or to use such proposals in order to obtain quotes from competitors.
5.3 All processes, methods and tools developed and used by Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd in its performance
of the assignment shall remain its excluslive property. Under no circumstances may the Client claim any rights over such processes, methods and tools. All materials used to collect information, as well as all documents used during the course of performance of the assignment, shall also remain the property of Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd.
5.4 Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd shall be entitled to destroy these materials five years after completion of the
assignment, without seeking the consent of the Client, except where it`s forbidden to do so by a specific legal provision. During this period, Change Your Life Coaching, part of 3GAAPS Ltd reserves the right to bill the Client with respect to any requests received for copies of the stored information.
5.5 Unless expressly forbidden to do